Purchasing an affordable life insurance policy might be difficult if you have severe health conditions or if you smoke. People who use e-cigarettes or smoke occasionally might get an insurance policy with 2-5 times higher rates than non-smokers. But there are insurance companies that provide an affordable insurance policy for e-cig smokers.
Before discussing the effects of e-cig smokers on life insurance rates, let’s discuss the frequently asked questions about life insurance policy for smokers.
What Is an E-Cigarette?
Electronic cigarettes are an alternative product for people who want to reduce their addiction to cigarette smoking. Today, almost 10% of the population uses electronic cigarettes.
The Effects of E-cigarettes On the Body
Smoking e-cigarettes generally poses less health danger than smoking a tobacco cigarette.
Is Vaping Dangerous for Your Health?
Although vaping is less harmful than traditional tobacco smoking, yet in a few cases, it has a minor quantity of nicotine. So, if your vaporizers consist of nicotine, there are chances your cardiovascular performance might suffer.
Your cardiovascular performance will also suffer if you’re vaping without nicotine as your inhaling vapors that don’t belong to your lungs.
What Is the Effect of E-Cigs on Your Lungs?
Currently, there is no authentic evidence to verify that vaping causes any health problems to your lungs due to the lack of research on e-cigs and vapors.
But common sense indicates that inhaling any type of smoke into your body is not suitable for neither your lungs nor your respiratory system. Hence, life insurance companies consider e-cigs and vaporizers as a form of smoking.
Does Vaping Affect Your Heart?
There is no scientific research to prove that vaping affects your heart. Still, generally, inhalation of anything other than oxygen for an extended period might affect the oxygenation of your blood, putting a strain on your heart.
It is important to understand that life insurance companies don’t like taking unnecessary risks. Hence, smoking e-cigs and vaporizers regularly increases the potential for heart problems. This Ultimately increases the insurance rates for e-cig smokers and vapors.
How Do Insurance Company View E-Cigarette Smokers?
Generally, the life insurance company offers affordable rates and low premiums to people who consume e-cig than people who smoke traditional tobacco cigarettes. Few insurance companies categorized e-cig users in the non-smoking category. But such companies are a handful that offers lower “non-smoking” rates for the premium payments if they use e-cigarettes. However, other insurance companies still follow relatively strict underwriting policies.
Can You Qualify for Non-Smoker Insurance Rates?
Yes, in many cases, you might qualify for the non-smoker insurance rates. For instance, few insurance companies have a “Quit smoking” advantage where insurance companies provide “non-smoker” rates to smokers for the initial three years of the policy.
Thus, if you quit smoking after three years, you can continue to pay the premiums at the same rates. But if you haven’t quit smoking, you have to pay more to keep the same amount of coverage or pay the same amount of premium that provides less coverage.
The majority of insurance companies offer affordable life insurance rates to people trying to quit smoking. But these rates aren’t available for smokers that already have life insurance policies unless they have quit smoking for more than 12 months.
Once it has been a year for quitting cigarettes, you can get better insurance rates after retaking medical examinations. It allows smokers who want to quit smoking to obtain insurance rates nearer to the non-smoker rates. In case of not having any other health complications.
How to Find the Best Life Insurance for E-Cigarette Smokers?
We recommend speaking with an expert to find the best insurance company, policy, and rates for e-cigarette smokers.
The internet is one of the best resources for your help. But it doesn’t consider individual factors affecting your insurance rates. Instead, speak with an insurance expert to get tailored rates that best match your needs.